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Springwater Corridor Trail East Segment

Multiple Jurisdictions

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Trail characteristics

As one heads south from  Gresham, woods give in to fields, orchards...
As one heads south from Gresham, woods give in to fields, orchards...
...and wild flowers
...and wild flowers
And at the end of the trail Boring Station Trailhead Park provides a safe respite and full amenities
And at the end of the trail Boring Station Trailhead Park provides a safe respite and full amenities
...some that are covered...
...some that are covered...
...and a picnic shelter located at the Springwater Trailhead Park, roughly at the midpoint of this trail segment
...and a picnic shelter located at the Springwater Trailhead Park, roughly at the midpoint of this trail segment
There are several wooden bridges traversing streams and/or smaller roads...
There are several wooden bridges traversing streams and/or smaller roads...
...and attractive metal bridges crossing busy roads – since the trail is a former rail bed it has a gentle continuous grade
...and attractive metal bridges crossing busy roads – since the trail is a former rail bed it has a gentle continuous grade
The trail also passes below the two busiest roads
The trail also passes below the two busiest roads
Linneman Station Trailhead provides basic facilities – even though there are picnic tables this is not a major destination
Linneman Station Trailhead provides basic facilities – even though there are picnic tables this is not a major destination