

Click for Map Legend

Springwater Corridor Trail East Segment

Multiple Jurisdictions

Click to see map of the entire Springwater Corridor

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Location and Arrival

1) The Linneman Station Trailhead provides facilities in a reconstructed train depot including a water fountain and picnic tables
1) The Linneman Station Trailhead provides facilities in a reconstructed train depot including a water fountain and picnic tables
The Linneman location provides two accessible parking spaces next to the converted train depot and picnic area
The Linneman location provides two accessible parking spaces next to the converted train depot and picnic area
2) Gresham Main City Park location provides ample newly-built parking serving both Springwater and Main City Park
2) Gresham Main City Park location provides ample newly-built parking serving both Springwater and Main City Park
Gresham proudly announces its Main City Park to Springwater users – the lovely neighborhood park is worth a side visit
Gresham proudly announces its Main City Park to Springwater users – the lovely neighborhood park is worth a side visit
Gresham is well served by MAX and TriMet bus, as indicated by the Gresham Transit Center 
[photo by Steve Morgan]
Gresham is well served by MAX and TriMet bus, as indicated by the Gresham Transit Center
[photo by Steve Morgan]
3) The Springwater Trail-head parking area at Hogan Road provides the most central location and ample and easy parking
3) The Springwater Trail-head parking area at Hogan Road provides the most central location and ample and easy parking
From the parking lot there is a narrow, older ramp that takes one down to the level of the Springwater Corridor Trail
From the parking lot there is a narrow, older ramp that takes one down to the level of the Springwater Corridor Trail
This is the bottom of that ramp if one was trying to get back to the parking lot
This is the bottom of that ramp if one was trying to get back to the parking lot
4) Boring Station Trailhead Park provides accessible parking, restrooms, water fountain, picnic facilities and a playground
4) Boring Station Trailhead Park provides accessible parking, restrooms, water fountain, picnic facilities and a playground

The slightly outdated map, inset above, shows the entire Springwater Corridor Trail, which now extends from the Steel Bridge to Boring. Since the map was first published, the 2.5 mile section from Rugg Road to Boring was completed, in late 2017.

Although the “Sellwood gap” remains unfinished, more sections have been completed since the map was made; but, as for the Cazadero Trail continuation — forget it, for now. They need someone to donate a railroad trestle, or two, to span the Deep Creek ravine. Any takers?