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Fields Bridge Park

West Linn Parks & Recreation


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New developments in Fields Bridge Park with an approved master plan will include a small picnic shelter to reflect some of the design characteristics of an old house that was removed from the property.  Improvement also include a canoe/kayak launch and new trail connections

Signage: No camping – No parking 11 pm – 5 am – No overnight parking
Signage: No camping – No parking 11 pm – 5 am – No overnight parking
Trailhead without parking - Signage: Park closes at 11 pm
Trailhead without parking - Signage: Park closes at 11 pm
Beautiful landscaped park entrance
Beautiful landscaped park entrance
Concrete ramp to restrooms leads to a narrow walkway without edge protection
Concrete ramp to restrooms leads to a narrow walkway without edge protection
Paved access ramp to the playground with bark chips surface
Paved access ramp to the playground with bark chips surface
Hard surface route by river and garden – two shelters
Hard surface route by river and garden – two shelters
Paved trail transitions to pavers – transition to wooden deck may need maintenance
Paved trail transitions to pavers – transition to wooden deck may need maintenance
Transition from paved trail to natural surface with bench – may have a lip
Transition from paved trail to natural surface with bench – may have a lip
Paved trail to natural surface may have a lip
Paved trail to natural surface may have a lip

Operations and Maintenance

Fields Bridge park is a beautiful 19 acres located on the Tualatin River.  This park, constructed in 2006, currently consists of community gardens, ball fields, basketball courts, walking paths and a playground.