

Click for Map Legend

Graham Oaks Nature Park


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Sign at entrance off SW Wilsonville Road
Sign at entrance off SW Wilsonville Road
Sign near beginning of trail explaining how Graham Oaks came to be
Sign near beginning of trail explaining how Graham Oaks came to be
Directional signage near entrance
Directional signage near entrance
Several interpretative signs are provide along the trails
Several interpretative signs are provide along the trails
Trail junctions have trail markers with a trail map on top
Trail junctions have trail markers with a trail map on top
Example of trail map on top of trail marker
Example of trail map on top of trail marker
Interpretive displays throughout the park
Interpretive displays throughout the park
Sign: Pets on leash only. Note: Pets can only go on Tonquin Trail
Sign: Pets on leash only. Note: Pets can only go on Tonquin Trail
High Fire Danger – logos show no smoking, fires, fireworks, vehicles, ATV, shooting or chainsaws
High Fire Danger – logos show no smoking, fires, fireworks, vehicles, ATV, shooting or chainsaws

Signage and Wayfinding