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Lowami Hart Woods Natural Area

Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District

Parking area with garbage can, bike rack, bench, picnic tables and kiosk
Parking area with garbage can, bike rack, bench, picnic tables and kiosk
Natural benches along paved entrance route
Natural benches along paved entrance route
Wooden bench on natural surface — hard surface trail has been patched
Wooden bench on natural surface — hard surface trail has been patched
Viewpoint from wood deck with bench and railings off the paved route
Viewpoint from wood deck with bench and railings off the paved route
Bench off paved trail on natural surface — junction with directional signage
Bench off paved trail on natural surface — junction with directional signage
Logs form a large semicircle for seating
Logs form a large semicircle for seating
Accessible picnic benches on pavement near the parking lot
Accessible picnic benches on pavement near the parking lot
Trailhead heading west is near kiosk and benches
Trailhead heading west is near kiosk and benches
Kiosk near the parking lot has park information and a map
Kiosk near the parking lot has park information and a map

Amenities and Features