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Lowami Hart Woods Natural Area

Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District

Parking area with trash can, picnic tables, bike rack, kiosk and bench
Parking area with trash can, picnic tables, bike rack, kiosk and bench
Main trail is paved passing through trees and open areas
Main trail is paved passing through trees and open areas
Bench off paved trail on natural surface — junction with directional signage
Bench off paved trail on natural surface — junction with directional signage
Wooden bridge with smooth transition from paved trail crosses Johnston Creek
Wooden bridge with smooth transition from paved trail crosses Johnston Creek
View of Johnston Creek from the bridge
View of Johnston Creek from the bridge
Junction to a natural surface trail creates a loop back to the paved trail
Junction to a natural surface trail creates a loop back to the paved trail
Natural surface trail with bench
Natural surface trail with bench
Steep cross-slope along the natural surface trail
Steep cross-slope along the natural surface trail
Steep section with stairs connects the natural surface trail to the paved trail
Steep section with stairs connects the natural surface trail to the paved trail
