

Click for Map Legend

Mary S Young Park

West Linn Parks & Recreation

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Symbols that show uses at the park
Symbols that show uses at the park
Signage at the entry to the park
Signage at the entry to the park
Transition from hard to natural surface at the entrance to Trillium trail from sidewalk outside the park
Transition from hard to natural surface at the entrance to Trillium trail from sidewalk outside the park
Sign marking the trailhead to the Trillium trail, a natural surface trail
Sign marking the trailhead to the Trillium trail, a natural surface trail
Gravel parking lot that leads to the Trillium natural surface trail
Gravel parking lot that leads to the Trillium natural surface trail
Paved parking lot with accessible parking spaces
Paved parking lot with accessible parking spaces
Curb cut for access to the off-leash dog exercise area
Curb cut for access to the off-leash dog exercise area
Map of park trails located at the Riverside and Heron Creek Trail Loop trailheads at main parking lot
Map of park trails located at the Riverside and Heron Creek Trail Loop trailheads at main parking lot
Map of park trails located at the Riverside and Heron Creek Trail Loop trailheads near restrooms and picnic shelter
Map of park trails located at the Riverside and Heron Creek Trail Loop trailheads near restrooms and picnic shelter

Location and Arrival