

Click for Map Legend

Mary S Young Park

West Linn Parks & Recreation

Click map images for larger maps

Hours of operation and WARNING: Leash Law Strictly Enforced
Hours of operation and WARNING: Leash Law Strictly Enforced
Pet exercise rules
Pet exercise rules
Symbols that show uses at the park
Symbols that show uses at the park
Dog rules and disposal bags at off-leash area
Dog rules and disposal bags at off-leash area
Dog rules
Dog rules
Paved Riverside trail transitions to natural surface
Paved Riverside trail transitions to natural surface
Natural surface on the Riverside Loop trail mixed with grass
Natural surface on the Riverside Loop trail mixed with grass
Trail map – off-leash pet exercise area – steep natural surface trail to Beach and Willamette River
Trail map – off-leash pet exercise area – steep natural surface trail to Beach and Willamette River
The natural surface from the river has an unstable surface
The natural surface from the river has an unstable surface

Operations and Maintenance