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Mary S Young Park

West Linn Parks & Recreation

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Entrance to Mary S Young Park
Entrance to Mary S Young Park
The natural surface Trillium Trail is accessed at the entrance to the park
The natural surface Trillium Trail is accessed at the entrance to the park
Main road into the park - gravel lot on the left for sports field and trail parking
Main road into the park - gravel lot on the left for sports field and trail parking
Paved parking lot has access to trails, picnic shelter, accessible restrooms and off leash dog park
Paved parking lot has access to trails, picnic shelter, accessible restrooms and off leash dog park
Map of park trails at Riverside and Heron Creek Trail Loop trailheads
Map of park trails at Riverside and Heron Creek Trail Loop trailheads
Overlook of the Willamette River – off-shoot trail loop off Riverside Loop Trail
Overlook of the Willamette River – off-shoot trail loop off Riverside Loop Trail
Paved Riverside Loop Trail
Paved Riverside Loop Trail
Trail splits going to the Willamette River - going right has less of a grade then going left
Trail splits going to the Willamette River - going right has less of a grade then going left
Beach and inlet at the end of the Riverside Loop trail
Beach and inlet at the end of the Riverside Loop trail
