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Mary S Young Park

West Linn Parks & Recreation

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Signage at the entry to the park - symbols that show uses at the park
Signage at the entry to the park - symbols that show uses at the park
Sign marking the trailhead to the Trillium trail, a natural surface trail
Sign marking the trailhead to the Trillium trail, a natural surface trail
Hours of operation and WARNING: Leash Law Strictly Enforced
Hours of operation and WARNING: Leash Law Strictly Enforced
Informational sign along the Trillium trail
Informational sign along the Trillium trail
Hours of operation at the park – leashes required
Hours of operation at the park – leashes required
Map of park trails located at the Riverside and Heron Creek Trail Loop trailheads – post with trail map and location
Map of park trails located at the Riverside and Heron Creek Trail Loop trailheads – post with trail map and location
Dog rules and disposal bags at pet exercise area
Dog rules and disposal bags at pet exercise area
Rules for the pet exercise area
Rules for the pet exercise area
Map of park trails located at the Riverside and Heron Creek Trail Loop trailheads
Map of park trails located at the Riverside and Heron Creek Trail Loop trailheads

Signage and Wayfinding