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Powell Butte Nature Park

Portland Parks & Recreation

Bike racks and accessible parking spaces at the main parking lot
Bike racks and accessible parking spaces at the main parking lot
Functional art displays - accessible picnic bench - Visitor Center - restrooms
Functional art displays - accessible picnic bench - Visitor Center - restrooms
Interpretive displays in the Visitor Center
Interpretive displays in the Visitor Center
Overall map of the park and trails at trailheads - near Visitor Center
Overall map of the park and trails at trailheads - near Visitor Center
Paved Mt View Trail transitions to natural surface - bench in tall grass - directional signage
Paved Mt View Trail transitions to natural surface - bench in tall grass - directional signage
Mountain View Trail leads to a picnic bench and viewpoint
Mountain View Trail leads to a picnic bench and viewpoint
Paved Pipeline Lane Trail and caretaker’s house - transitions to natural surface with gravel
Paved Pipeline Lane Trail and caretaker’s house - transitions to natural surface with gravel
Forest Trail has natural surface with areas of steep grade - may be muddy when wet
Forest Trail has natural surface with areas of steep grade - may be muddy when wet
Viewpoint off Summit Lane with large rock seats – natural surface – may have loose gravel
Viewpoint off Summit Lane with large rock seats – natural surface – may have loose gravel


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