

Click for Map Legend

The Maya Lin Bird Blind was constructed for the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Confluence Project in 2008. The slats of black locust wood each carry the name of one of the 134 species of plants and animals that the two explorers recorded on their journey.

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Location and Arrival

Main parking lot
Main parking lot
RV and trailer parking lot
RV and trailer parking lot
Accessible parking near trailhead and restroom
Accessible parking near trailhead and restroom
Paved access route to the trailhead and informational kiosk
Paved access route to the trailhead and informational kiosk
Bathroom and trash cans near the accessible parking spaces
Bathroom and trash cans near the accessible parking spaces
Recreation Pass Required – see kiosk for payment options
Recreation Pass Required – see kiosk for payment options
Sandy River Delta entrance sign
Sandy River Delta entrance sign
Street sign directing to Historic Route 30, Oxbow Park and Sandy River Delta
Street sign directing to Historic Route 30, Oxbow Park and Sandy River Delta
Trailhead to Confluence Trail
Trailhead to Confluence Trail

Sandy River Delta

US Forest Service