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The Maya Lin Bird Blind was constructed for the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Confluence Project in 2008. The slats of black locust wood each carry the name of one of the 134 species of plants and animals that the two explorers recorded on their journey.

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Operations and Maintenance

The Park is open to horses, hikers, bikes, wheelchairs and dogs on leashes
The Park is open to horses, hikers, bikes, wheelchairs and dogs on leashes
Signage on Park hours
Signage on Park hours
Area closed sunset to sunrise – no camping, campfires, fireworks or shooting
Area closed sunset to sunrise – no camping, campfires, fireworks or shooting
Parts of the Confluence Trail have bumps from encroaching grass
Parts of the Confluence Trail have bumps from encroaching grass
Transition from natural surface trail to boardwalk of the bird blind may have a lip
Transition from natural surface trail to boardwalk of the bird blind may have a lip
Boundary Trail surface begins with low grass across the trail
Boundary Trail surface begins with low grass across the trail
The surface of the Boundary Trail varies with sand, loose gravel and hard-packed soil
The surface of the Boundary Trail varies with sand, loose gravel and hard-packed soil
Boundary Trail may have high grass narrowing the trail width
Boundary Trail may have high grass narrowing the trail width
A short portion of Meadow Trail narrows with steep grade and cross slope - loose sand & grass
A short portion of Meadow Trail narrows with steep grade and cross slope - loose sand & grass

Sandy River Delta

US Forest Service