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Scouters Mountain Nature Park


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Trail characteristics

Paved Shelter Trail from parking lot to shelter and restroom – steep grade
Paved Shelter Trail from parking lot to shelter and restroom – steep grade
Paved surface on to natural surface with gravel at shelter – may have a lip
Paved surface on to natural surface with gravel at shelter – may have a lip
Lava Dome Trail, natural surface with gravel – no bikes allowed
Lava Dome Trail, natural surface with gravel – no bikes allowed
Lava Dome Trail and Boomer Trail intersection – directional signage with map
Lava Dome Trail and Boomer Trail intersection – directional signage with map
Cross slope on the Boomer Trail – may be steep
Cross slope on the Boomer Trail – may be steep
Tactile art on bench along natural surface Boomer Trail
Tactile art on bench along natural surface Boomer Trail
Boomer Trail has stairs with no pathway
Boomer Trail has stairs with no pathway
Boomer Trail passes over park road with crosswalk
Boomer Trail passes over park road with crosswalk
Boomer Trail at the main parking lot – natural onto paved surface – may have a lip
Boomer Trail at the main parking lot – natural onto paved surface – may have a lip