

Click for Map Legend

Scouters Mountain Nature Park


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Location and Arrival

Directional sign from main road
Directional sign from main road
Entrance sign for Scouters Mountain Nature Park – park is open sunrise to sunset
Entrance sign for Scouters Mountain Nature Park – park is open sunrise to sunset
Scouters Mountain main parking lot
Scouters Mountain main parking lot
Main parking lot with one accessible parking space
Main parking lot with one accessible parking space
Porta-potty, kiosk with park map, picnic shelter and restrooms at main (upper) parking lot
Porta-potty, kiosk with park map, picnic shelter and restrooms at main (upper) parking lot
Parking lot and start of the access road
Parking lot and start of the access road
Accessible parking spaces at the shelter and restroom – no other parking spaces
Accessible parking spaces at the shelter and restroom – no other parking spaces
Two accessible parking spaces at the shelter and restroom – no other parking spaces
Two accessible parking spaces at the shelter and restroom – no other parking spaces
Two accessible parking spaces, bike rack, restrooms and shelter with picnic tables – porta-potty
Two accessible parking spaces, bike rack, restrooms and shelter with picnic tables – porta-potty