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Smith and Bybee Wetlands Natural Area

Metro/Portland Parks & Recreation

Walking or paddling, Smith and Bybee Wetlands is one of the most outstanding places to see native wildlife in a Pacific Northwest city. The Interlakes Trail passes through huge cottonwoods, other wetland trees and grasslands, to several spots with great views of the natural area's two namesake lakes. 

Between mid-April and late-June is the best time to see the more than 35 species of songbirds, Pacific chorus frogs, raptors, Western painted turtles and various mammals.

Park closure sign
Park closure sign
Park closure sign with emergency number
Park closure sign with emergency number
Information kiosk with site map at parking lot
Information kiosk with site map at parking lot
No dogs allowed – fish unsafe to eat
No dogs allowed – fish unsafe to eat
Rules related to dogs
Rules related to dogs
Columns at the picnic shelter block wheelchair access
Columns at the picnic shelter block wheelchair access
Metal grating of ramp to viewpoint has no edge protection
Metal grating of ramp to viewpoint has no edge protection
Transition from paved trail to metal ramp may have a bump
Transition from paved trail to metal ramp may have a bump
There may be bumps and ruts on the paved trail
There may be bumps and ruts on the paved trail


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