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Spring Park Natural Area

North Clackamas Parks & Recreation

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Amenities and Features

Park rules, dog waste bags and trash can at park entrance
Park rules, dog waste bags and trash can at park entrance
Playground on bark-chip surface – rocks to sit and climb on – bench and picnic table under tree on natural surface
Playground on bark-chip surface – rocks to sit and climb on – bench and picnic table under tree on natural surface
Bike racks – two picnic benches, on pavement & under tree on natural surface – playground with bark-chip surface
Bike racks – two picnic benches, on pavement & under tree on natural surface – playground with bark-chip surface
Habitat Restoration in Progress – keep dogs on leash – stay on trails
Habitat Restoration in Progress – keep dogs on leash – stay on trails
Overlook with boulders for seating – compacted gravel surface – switchback goes to Willamette River
Overlook with boulders for seating – compacted gravel surface – switchback goes to Willamette River
Bat houses
Bat houses
The Willamette River at the end of the trail draws wildlife
The Willamette River at the end of the trail draws wildlife
Elk Rock Island can be accessed when the water is low
Elk Rock Island can be accessed when the water is low
Elk Rock Island has many natural features of interest
Elk Rock Island has many natural features of interest
