

Click for Map Legend

Spring Park Natural Area

North Clackamas Parks & Recreation

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Operations and Maintenance

Street sign – SE Sparrow St. & SE 19th Ave – Spring Park rules
Street sign – SE Sparrow St. & SE 19th Ave – Spring Park rules
Compacted gravel trail after bridge may have loose gravel in areas due to erosion
Compacted gravel trail after bridge may have loose gravel in areas due to erosion
Overlook with compacted gravel surface – may have areas with loose gravel
Overlook with compacted gravel surface – may have areas with loose gravel
Rut in compacted gravel trail – corrugated pipe and logs on the side
Rut in compacted gravel trail – corrugated pipe and logs on the side
Compacted gravel trail transitions to hard-packed soil with many rock obstacles
Compacted gravel trail transitions to hard-packed soil with many rock obstacles
Transition from compacted gravel path to boardwalk – may have a lip depending on maintenance
Transition from compacted gravel path to boardwalk – may have a lip depending on maintenance
Trail switchback leaving the overlook leads to Willamette River – may be steep with areas of loose gravel
Trail switchback leaving the overlook leads to Willamette River – may be steep with areas of loose gravel
Many boulders across the path leading to the river – unmaintained
Many boulders across the path leading to the river – unmaintained
Unofficial natural surface trail through grasslands - steep grade - narrow and rocky
Unofficial natural surface trail through grasslands - steep grade - narrow and rocky
