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Stephens Creek Nature Park

SWTrails/Portland Parks & Recreation

Location sign at the trailhead.
Location sign at the trailhead.
No bikes on the trail and dogs on leash.
No bikes on the trail and dogs on leash.
Rules of the park
Rules of the park
Compacted gravel and wooden steps have a steep grade from trailhead
Compacted gravel and wooden steps have a steep grade from trailhead
Trail junctions to the boardwalk may have a lip
Trail junctions to the boardwalk may have a lip
Trails along the creek may be flooded at times due to high water
Trails along the creek may be flooded at times due to high water
The natural surface trail leading to Capitol Hill Road may be muddy, narrow and steep
The natural surface trail leading to Capitol Hill Road may be muddy, narrow and steep
Drain in the path may be a tripping hazard
Drain in the path may be a tripping hazard
Steep steps leading to Capitol Hill Road may be slippery and muddy
Steep steps leading to Capitol Hill Road may be slippery and muddy

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Operations and Maintenance