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Stephens Creek Nature Park

SWTrails/Portland Parks & Recreation

Entrance sign to Stephens Creek Nature Park - kiosk - drinking fountain - trailhead
Entrance sign to Stephens Creek Nature Park - kiosk - drinking fountain - trailhead
Three-tier drinking fountain - one for dogs - park rules sign
Three-tier drinking fountain - one for dogs - park rules sign
Steep wood and gravel filled steps from trailhead to the creek
Steep wood and gravel filled steps from trailhead to the creek
Alternative route without steps begins with a > 15% grade
Alternative route without steps begins with a > 15% grade
The compacted gravel trail leads down to the creek
The compacted gravel trail leads down to the creek
Boardwalk with edge protection crosses the creek
Boardwalk with edge protection crosses the creek
Steep wooden steps with gravel lead to Capitol Hill Road
Steep wooden steps with gravel lead to Capitol Hill Road
The natural surface trail up to Capitol Hill Road may be muddy and slippery when wet
The natural surface trail up to Capitol Hill Road may be muddy and slippery when wet
Trailhead from Capitol Hill Road starts with a natural surface trail and steps without railings
Trailhead from Capitol Hill Road starts with a natural surface trail and steps without railings

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