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Stephens Creek Nature Park

SWTrails/Portland Parks & Recreation

Trailhead at SW Bertha Boulevard & SW Chestnut
Trailhead at SW Bertha Boulevard & SW Chestnut
Location sign at the trailhead
Location sign at the trailhead
Sign, water fountain and information kiosk at the trailhead
Sign, water fountain and information kiosk at the trailhead
SWTrails route #3 and #5 go through the park - park rules sign
SWTrails route #3 and #5 go through the park - park rules sign
Fire Danger sign - wildfire hazard zone
Fire Danger sign - wildfire hazard zone
Marker at the compacted gravel trailhead indicates 
> 15% grade
Marker at the compacted gravel trailhead indicates
> 15% grade
Park trail rules - dogs on leash
Park trail rules - dogs on leash
Trail sign on SW Capitol Hill Road
Trail sign on SW Capitol Hill Road
End of the trail.  SW Capitol Hill Road & SW 17th
End of the trail. SW Capitol Hill Road & SW 17th

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Signage and Wayfinding