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Tryon Creek State Natural Area

Oregon State Parks

Crosswalk from parking to access route to trails and the Nature Center
Crosswalk from parking to access route to trails and the Nature Center
Approach to the Nature Center with a park map
Approach to the Nature Center with a park map
Nature Center has a multitude of informational displays – library – accessible restroom – two-tier drinking fountains
Nature Center has a multitude of informational displays – library – accessible restroom – two-tier drinking fountains
Artistic custom bench on the Nature Center deck
Artistic custom bench on the Nature Center deck
The Glenn Jackson shelter – located near the Nature Center
The Glenn Jackson shelter – located near the Nature Center
The paved Trillium Trail
The paved Trillium Trail
Bench before entering a second viewpoint off the Trillium Trail
Bench before entering a second viewpoint off the Trillium Trail
Natural surface trail is surrounded by lush forest – many tree roots across these trails
Natural surface trail is surrounded by lush forest – many tree roots across these trails
Fallen tree roots left intentionally create a natural sculpture along the trail
Fallen tree roots left intentionally create a natural sculpture along the trail
