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Tualatin River Greenway

City of Tualatin

Video created by the City of Tualatin


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Tualatin Public Library - brick surface - parking lot - sidewalk to trailhead - shopping mall - statuary
Tualatin Public Library - brick surface - parking lot - sidewalk to trailhead - shopping mall - statuary
Front door of Tualatin Public Library - hours of operation
Front door of Tualatin Public Library - hours of operation
Hallway to restrooms at the Tualatin Library - two-tiered water fountains - garbage/recycling bin
Hallway to restrooms at the Tualatin Library - two-tiered water fountains - garbage/recycling bin
Women’s accessible restroom in the Tualatin Library - handrail on the wall behind toilet and next to the toilet
Women’s accessible restroom in the Tualatin Library - handrail on the wall behind toilet and next to the toilet
Entrance sign - hard surface trail - bike rack - garbage - dog waste bags - bench with arms - parking lot
Entrance sign - hard surface trail - bike rack - garbage - dog waste bags - bench with arms - parking lot
Example of informational signs on the trail that tell the history of the Ice Age in the area
Example of informational signs on the trail that tell the history of the Ice Age in the area
One of several overlooks for the Tualatin River - hard surface - small raised wall for seating
One of several overlooks for the Tualatin River - hard surface - small raised wall for seating
Hard surface trail - sign with history of the Ice Age - small raised wall at overlook -  map of Tualatin River
Hard surface trail - sign with history of the Ice Age - small raised wall at overlook - map of Tualatin River
Overlook of wetlands - wood surface - bench with arms - sign with history of area and settlers
Overlook of wetlands - wood surface - bench with arms - sign with history of area and settlers

Amenities and Features