

Click for Map Legend

Tualatin River Greenway

City of Tualatin

Video created by the City of Tualatin


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Sign for City of Tualatin Public Library and City Offices - sidewalks - parking lot
Sign for City of Tualatin Public Library and City Offices - sidewalks - parking lot
Entrance at Tualatin Public Library - sidewalk to crosswalk at trail entrance - parking at library
Entrance at Tualatin Public Library - sidewalk to crosswalk at trail entrance - parking at library
Sidewalk at Tualatin Public Library that leads to crosswalk at trail entrance - parking lot at mall
Sidewalk at Tualatin Public Library that leads to crosswalk at trail entrance - parking lot at mall
Crosswalk from public parking at Tualatin Library to trailhead - parking for trail behind the mall
Crosswalk from public parking at Tualatin Library to trailhead - parking for trail behind the mall
Entrance sign - hard surface trail - bike rack - garbage - dog waste bags - bench with arms - parking lot
Entrance sign - hard surface trail - bike rack - garbage - dog waste bags - bench with arms - parking lot
Trail entrance sign - trail entrance with tactile strip located behind Nyberg Rivers shopping complex
Trail entrance sign - trail entrance with tactile strip located behind Nyberg Rivers shopping complex
Trail entrance with crosswalk behind Cabela's store - entrance sign - bike rack
Trail entrance with crosswalk behind Cabela's store - entrance sign - bike rack
Boardwalk with railings - off the main trail to Nyberg Woods shopping complex
Boardwalk with railings - off the main trail to Nyberg Woods shopping complex
Public parking behind the Nyberg Rivers shopping mall - trail entrance straight ahead
Public parking behind the Nyberg Rivers shopping mall - trail entrance straight ahead

Location and Arrival