

Click for Map Legend

Tualatin River Greenway

City of Tualatin

Video created by the City of Tualatin


Click map image for larger map

Tualatin Public Library - brick surface - parking lot - sidewalk to trailhead - shopping mall - statuary
Tualatin Public Library - brick surface - parking lot - sidewalk to trailhead - shopping mall - statuary
Hard surface trail - bike rack - garbage - dog waste bags - bench with arms - entrance sign - parking lot
Hard surface trail - bike rack - garbage - dog waste bags - bench with arms - entrance sign - parking lot
Example of Tualatin River Greenway sign that shows map of trail
Example of Tualatin River Greenway sign that shows map of trail
Hard surface trail - blue depicts latter Ice Age - brown depicts Missoula Floodwaters
Hard surface trail - blue depicts latter Ice Age - brown depicts Missoula Floodwaters
River overlook - hard surface trail - small wall - bench with arms - replica of tusks - informational display
River overlook - hard surface trail - small wall - bench with arms - replica of tusks - informational display
Hard surface trail under Interstate 5 freeway - Tualatin River - iron fence  - security camera - lighting
Hard surface trail under Interstate 5 freeway - Tualatin River - iron fence - security camera - lighting
Boardwalk - wood railings on both sides - boardwalk dead ends
Boardwalk - wood railings on both sides - boardwalk dead ends
Hard surface trail - bench with arms - area next to bench for mobility devices and strollers
Hard surface trail - bench with arms - area next to bench for mobility devices and strollers
TriMet bus stop at Tualatin Library - brick surface in front of library - tables, seats and umbrellas
TriMet bus stop at Tualatin Library - brick surface in front of library - tables, seats and umbrellas
