

Click for Map Legend
Informational sign and trail map
Informational sign and trail map
Directional signage is located all along the trails
Directional signage is located all along the trails
Dogs must be on a leash and bikes are not allowed
Dogs must be on a leash and bikes are not allowed
Informational sign about Redwood trees
Informational sign about Redwood trees
Directional signage that includes mileage to other PP&R sites
Directional signage that includes mileage to other PP&R sites
Sign - “Do not block gate - tow away zone” at SW Bray Lane an alternate route to Redwood Deck and lookout
Sign - “Do not block gate - tow away zone” at SW Bray Lane an alternate route to Redwood Deck and lookout
Informational signage – Forest of the Future
Informational signage – Forest of the Future
Poster at visitor center – shows trail widths – Redwood Trail is narrow – difficult to pass people
Poster at visitor center – shows trail widths – Redwood Trail is narrow – difficult to pass people
Some trees may have identification tags
Some trees may have identification tags

Hoyt Arboretum Redwood Trail

Portland Parks & Recreation

Signage and Wayfinding

Click here for continuation to Pittock Mansion via the Barbara Walker Crossing