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Restrooms on the Columbia River side of park - individual unisex restrooms - garbage cans - closed when freezing
Restrooms on the Columbia River side of park - individual unisex restrooms - garbage cans - closed when freezing
Accessible restroom stall - restrooms on the Columbia River side of park - grab bars
Accessible restroom stall - restrooms on the Columbia River side of park - grab bars
One of several group picnic areas - Columbia River - soft surface
One of several group picnic areas - Columbia River - soft surface
View point at the confluence of the Columbia and Willamette Rivers - soft surface - wooden wall to sit on
View point at the confluence of the Columbia and Willamette Rivers - soft surface - wooden wall to sit on
Path to the beach at the confluence of the Columbia and Willamette River - soft surface - logs on beach
Path to the beach at the confluence of the Columbia and Willamette River - soft surface - logs on beach
View point - confluence of the Columbia and Willamette River - hard surface - benches - informational sign
View point - confluence of the Columbia and Willamette River - hard surface - benches - informational sign
Restrooms on the Willamette River side of the park - hard surface - garbage can - bike rack - open May 31 - Sept 30
Restrooms on the Willamette River side of the park - hard surface - garbage can - bike rack - open May 31 - Sept 30
Inside the restrooms on the Willamette River side of park - accessible stall - bench - sink
Inside the restrooms on the Willamette River side of park - accessible stall - bench - sink
Picnic tables on hard surface - hard surface trail transitions to soft surface
Picnic tables on hard surface - hard surface trail transitions to soft surface

Kelley Point Park

Portland Parks & Recreation

Amenities and Features

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