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Trail facts at a glance
This 59-acre community park provides a vast range of recreation opportunities for visitors. Paved paths lead the way through the different developed and natural areas of the park. Soft-surface paths lead further into wetland and wooded areas around the Tualatin River. Benches and picnic tables can be found throughout the park.
The playground, tennis courts, wading stream, rhododendron garden, several ponds and large lawn areas provide a wide range of options for play and relaxation. The park can be accessed on the west side for parking and also off of SE River Road on the north side of the park. Accessible restrooms and several drinking fountains are available and benches are available throughout the park.
The park is organized into a series of thematic loops. Our preferred tour is to use the large perimeter loop as a way to access the four primary themes: the Creekside Loop to the north of the park; the Lloyd Baron Rhododendron Garden and Woodland Pond Loop near the start of our tour; the Lakeside Loop; and the “lollipop” across Rock Creek that takes one onto a wild, woodsy hill with steep terrain.
The Lloyd Baron Rhododendron Garden
This lovely display garden contains rhododendrons, azaleas, and companion plants. Plantings contain species and hybrids showing the public a wide range of characteristics including, various sizes, shapes, colors, fragrances, forms, and textures of rhododendrons.
We prefer to start at the parking spaces near the tennis courts and begin our tour through the rhododendron garden. If it hasn’t rained for a while try the Creekside Loop, which may have some muddy sections that may prove an obstacle.
Even the main loop has some steep sections and part of the loop has recently-placed bark chips. The paths around the lake are a mixture of paved, bark mulch with very steep cross-slope, newly placed coarse gravel and even a section of grass.
All in all this is a very diverse and rewarding visit with something for everybody.
Rood Bridge Park
Hillsboro Parks & Recreation
Name: Rood Bridge Park—loop and side trips visited by AR
Parks agency: Hillsboro Parks & Recreation
Contact: (503) 681-6120
Location: 4000 SE Rood Bridge Road, Hillsboro, OR 97213
Hours: sunrise to sunset
Public transit: none
Length: 1.8 miles—1 mile main loop plus .8 mile for side trips
How difficult do we consider it: moderate to difficult, due to some steep sections and various types of natural surface
Date of last visit: September 21, 2021
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