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Rood Bridge Park

Hillsboro Parks & Recreation

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Entrance to Rood Bridge Park
Entrance to Rood Bridge Park
Accessible restroom and tennis courts across from parking lot and rhododendron garden
Accessible restroom and tennis courts across from parking lot and rhododendron garden
Picnic shelter – grills – playground – near parking – restroom
Picnic shelter – grills – playground – near parking – restroom
The paved perimeter trail begins north of the picnic shelter
The paved perimeter trail begins north of the picnic shelter
The Creekside loop natural surface trail begins with a steep slope – may be muddy
The Creekside loop natural surface trail begins with a steep slope – may be muddy
Bridge over Rock Creek
Bridge over Rock Creek
Paved perimeter trail has many benches and picnic tables along the route
Paved perimeter trail has many benches and picnic tables along the route
View of the lake with large rocks for sitting
View of the lake with large rocks for sitting
Launch installed Memorial Day through Labor Day – two boat slots – overhead rail to hold onto
Launch installed Memorial Day through Labor Day – two boat slots – overhead rail to hold onto
