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Tualatin Hills Nature Park

Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District

Natural seating and play area at trailhead – off paved trail on natural surface
Natural seating and play area at trailhead – off paved trail on natural surface
Natural seating in shade along Oak Trail – off paved trail on natural surface
Natural seating in shade along Oak Trail – off paved trail on natural surface
Bench along paved Oak Trail with interpretive display – parts of paved trail are uneven
Bench along paved Oak Trail with interpretive display – parts of paved trail are uneven
Zig-zag boardwalk with railings transitions from paved Oak Trail – surface slick when wet
Zig-zag boardwalk with railings transitions from paved Oak Trail – surface slick when wet
Transition from hard surface to compacted gravel
Transition from hard surface to compacted gravel
Bench with arm rails - logs to sit on - compacted gravel trail
Bench with arm rails - logs to sit on - compacted gravel trail
Natural surface trail mixed with gravel - vegetation on the side of trail - logs to sit on
Natural surface trail mixed with gravel - vegetation on the side of trail - logs to sit on
Many natural surface trail intersections with low directional signage
Many natural surface trail intersections with low directional signage
Large raised tree root that is parallel to the compacted gravel trail
Large raised tree root that is parallel to the compacted gravel trail

Trail characteristics